My Pal: Crazy Ishi

Today, I would like to introduce you all to a Nakaton friend of mine, Ishi, or as he is better known in Hokkaido snack-bar circles, “Crazy Ishi.”
The above photo was taken one night after Crazy Ishi had just finished consuming his 32 bottle of shouchu. As you can clearly see, all faculties are still intact, or, maybe I should say, as intact as they could be within the mind of a raving alcoholic. When it comes to drinking, Crazy Ishi has no equal.
I happened upon this rebellious young lad one evening whilst overindulging in Japanese shouchu at the local pub. Being the friendly type, as well as the exceptionally daring, Crazy Ishi had no fear in approaching the intimidating white man within their midst, and quickly challenged me to a twofold contest of drinking and arm wrestling. As fate would have it, I won the later, but failed miserably at the former. I had truly met my match when it came to slinging back the spirits. Crazy Ishi had defeated me fair and square.
As Crazy Ishi puts it, he began his alcoholic career as a simple remedy for killing the pain of living in a dull and lifeless rural community. However, soon after taking up his new activity, it was clear to all that this boy had a talent. Even the legendary Hokkaido drunk, “Fat Ito,” couldn’t challenge him. So, in a town with little to be proud of after the potato powder factory closure and all but a handful of the youth had begun their exodus to Sapporo, they had “Crazy Ishi,” and they were proud.
Now Crazy Ishi feels a deep obligation to his community, and believes his duty is to remain here to challenge wayfaring drifters to drinking battles, so as to spread Nakaton’s fame throughout the region. In addition, Crazy Ishi makes regular out-of-town excursions to other areas to take on local hopefuls. So, Crazy Ishi’s life, although not filled with the urban excitement he had hoped for in his youth, has found a purpose and satisfaction within his sport. And, when asking him if he has any further goals for the future, he confessed, “to be the first man to break the 100 bottle mark for shouchu in a single evening. Everyone says it can’t be done. Impossible, they tell me. I want to be the one to prove them all wrong.” Well, good luck, Crazy Ishi, we’ll be routing for you.
Sweet Jesus.
That's some impressive drinking
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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