Monday, June 13, 2005

Greetings -Japanese girl style.

As many of you already know, the focus of my blog seems to be making fun of and mocking my gracious hosts in Japan. This is because I am by nature a cranky and unpleasant person. In spite of this, I was accepted enthusiastically into the JET Programme. No one knows why. But, I digress!

Last weekend a friend and I were futzing around the Sapporo Yosokoi festival observing (for once) traditional Japanese culture on display in the form of dancing, donning exotic costums, and in general whopping it up. Suddenly, our keen fascination was interupted by a series of deafening high-pitched screams being emmitted by a group of 20 something Japanese girls behind us jumping up and down. It appeared they had just won a lifetime supply of Hello Kitty mobile phone ornaments. But in reality, they just hadn't seen each other for a while and were really excited. Apparently this is considered appropriate behavior for female greetings beyond kindergarten in Japan.

Upon witnessing this hyperbolic how-do-you-do, my friend innocently commented that perhaps we should begin greeting each other in a similar manner. I of course said, "You're fucking joking, right?" At which point, she rolled her eyes and walked away in mild disgust. I guess she was.


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