Friday, July 01, 2005

JET Now Finds All Prior Expectations of Small Time Life In Japan Embarrassingly Ridiculous

When a brash, young, fresh-off-the-boat JET, named Dick, stepped into his new role as the Assistant English Teacher of the cold northern outpost of Aho-cho, his sights were set high. They would soon plummet.

"I expected so much when I arrived," confessed a disheartened Dick. "I was young and naive. What did I know? Nothing. That's what. Nothing."

Of those expectations, the ones that Dick finds himself most shaking his head in embarrassment about include such innocent things as frequent exotic romantic escapades with local ladies, truly becoming part of the town, and through everyone's effort and support - becoming fluent in Japanese. Dick came to find none of these materialize.

On attempting to tackle the Japanese language, Dick had this to say. "Not only did nobody really help me to learn Japanese," said a frustrated Dick. "Many still find it strange why I would even want to do so. I mean, hello! Look around! I'm in Japan here, and your English sucks ass. You think that might just be a reason."

Dick would soon discover that he would have to be the one to pull himself up by the bootstraps and learn the language himself. Unfortunately, his motivation would eventually dwindle. "I finally came to the point where I realized that I wasn't going to live here beyond the 2 years I had formally committed myself to, and figured, screw it. I'll just get drunk and eat takoyaki instead." Dick hasn't looked back since.

Dreams of hot Eastern Romance in this small exotic community where quickly dashed by one chilling fact - there were no single women with which to do the above. "That was a real tough one to swallow. You see, all the girls head to the city after high school because, well, this place is boring and there's nothing to do. The ones that do stay usually get married the first month they're out of school. So unless you can somehow weasel yourself into that 1 month window period you might have a chance, but much easier said then done. And the risks remain high. If you value your testicles, that is."

When it came to being a real part of the community, Dick could also sum up his failure in a concise manner. "People are still scarred of me. I've been here for 2 years now, and there are still people here that jump at the sight of me. That's just sad."

Better luck in your next adventure, Dick. We'll be pulling for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh. I just told my successor, "If you get laid in this town by anyone besides the gang of 50 year-old serial ALT molesters, you have more game than Hugh Hefner." That didn't scare him off, so he must be pretty hardcore.

4:46 PM  

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